An Introduction to the Timing of Traffic Signals

Traffic signal timing comprises setting the sequence of operations and providing green time to each approach at an intersection while also accounting for the time required for pedestrians and other users. To fully understand signal timing, we must first study numerous fundamental ideas, including cycle lengths, splits, peak hour trends, phases, pre-timed and actuated signals, optimization, coordination, and communication.

Traffic Signal Timing 

This section will provide an overview of traffic signal timing to help you better grasp the logistics of your everyday commute.

Cycle Duration

A cycle length must be sufficient to demonstrate all junction phases indicated by traffic levels and to operate well within a specific range. By minimizing cycle duration, signal timing aims to maximize efficiency. One- to three-minute cycles are possible. This is resolved through a split. The split includes the green time and the clearance interval, which includes yellow and red lights. Clearance interval timings are determined using perception, or start-up time, and acceleration rates. When signals are switched between phases, clearance intervals are usually referred to as change intervals. Because no cars pass through the intersection, the period between vehicles halting or starting is called “lost time.”

Pre Timed and Actuated

The timings of pre-timed signals are pre-determined based on observed traffic volumes and trends and do not change in response to traffic loads. This is especially true in urban grid areas with close crossings and one-way streets, where it is impracticable to maintain inductance detection loops for each signal point. There are two types of signal timings: semi-actuated and fully actuated. Semi-actuated timings detect just minor streets; fully-actuated timings detect all approaches. 


If you approach a red light on a side street near a major intersection, the signal will change to enable you to proceed. Pre-timed signals have fixed timing plans that vary during the day, whereas fully-actuated signals have a range of green times that vary according to actual road traffic. In the signal controller, customized signal timing schemes can be developed. These timing strategies for signals must be adjusted finely.


At isolated and system intersections, signal timing is accomplished. As the name implies, isolated crossings are distinct from other signalized intersections, and their signal timings are unrelated to those of neighboring intersections. Due to the proximity of the system’s intersections, any timing changes at one affect the intersections upstream and downstream. Corridors of the signaling system that run through directional boring are frequently classified according to peak periods. These are the most often occurring moments of peak demand. Typically, these peak times are determined by traffic patterns or daily commutes. Traffic patterns determine morning and evening peak times. Traffic patterns are frequently balanced during the day.


Detection systems must first identify an incoming vehicle before activating traffic signals. Examples include radar, electromagnetic pucks embedded in the sub-pavement, and video detection. Inductance loops are wires that stretch from the traffic signal cabinet to the pavement saw cuts. It detects a vehicle passing through the loop saw cut region, which is typically located at the stop for side street and mainline left approaches. Radar and video detection are less intrusive and require less upkeep than other types of detection. However, standard saw-cut inductance loops have proven to be the most reliable detection approach when appropriately maintained with thermal imaging


Within the traffic, the signal cabinet is where the “brains” of the signal are situated. The controller specifies what the signal should do when it should and how long it should do it. The controller receives data from the detection system, determines a course of action, and then commands the traffic lights.

Traffic Management Centers

The corridors of signal systems may frequently be monitored and managed remotely by fiber optics, copper wiring, or wireless networks. The same software that runs the traffic light controller can be used on the computer desktop of a traffic management center. The computer is able to interface directly with intersections and remotely alter traffic signals. Agencies can alter traffic planning or patterns remotely in the event of unusual events or incidents. Click here to get an idea on how these facilities are maintained. 


Because many factors of signal timing, such as local trends and driving habits, are not quantifiable through science or engineering, signal timing is frequently referred to as an art. Therefore, the next time you’re speeding through green lights, pause and consider the issues that resulted in that pleasant traffic moment.